Objective: to develop a unique and interesting one page story for each townhouse based on a previous owner to send as part of the agency's market mailings.
Information Provided by Client: Addresses of prospective sellers in Brooklyn and on the Upper West Side between 71st and 87th Streets.
Description of Project:Research was conducted to discover the name of an architect, builder or occupant of interest associated with the provided addresses. Documents, newspapers, photographs and maps were searched. A story was developed based on events and/or information discovered. (For examples see stories on Building Chronicles website.)
Lead time: 1-2 weeks lead time per story.
West Village Co-op
Objective:to provide 6-12 little known facts about the co-op's history to use in regulated direct mailings using various usable products.
Information Provided by Client:Address of co-op
Description of Project: Co-op was researched to develop bullet point list of little known or interesting facts regarding the building and its occupants. Each fact was printed on a mailing or product such as a notepad or pen - something which the receiver might retain and included the agent's contact information.